Sunday, November 30, 2014

Glitter Glue Slime

After the Thanksgiving holiday, everything is always go, go, go! Well, being 26 weeks pregnant and having three kids here, I wasn't feeling up to the crazy, busy life style and did not want to drag all three out of the house today. So, we decided to do a fun project at the house. We made glitter slime! It is so simple and so fast and the perfect quick activity to keep your kids busy for a few hours.

Here is what you will need:

- 1 Bottle of Elmer's Glitter Glue
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tsp. Borax

Mix 1 tsp. Borax with 1 cup of water, until Borax dissolves into water. 
In a different bowl have your sweet helper empty the bottle of glitter glue. 
Pour the mixture of Borax into the bowl of glitter glue, have your helper use their hands to mix and mush the mixture together. You will notice the slime will start to form right away, don't leave it in the water mixture too long because it will start to harden.
As your kids start to play with it, it may get too slimey, thats okay, just place it back in the Borax solution and it will form again.

The best storage option is a glass baby food container or a glass mason jar. Enjoy! It is a lot of fun, easy and quick clean up!

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