Sunday, November 30, 2014

Glitter Glue Slime

After the Thanksgiving holiday, everything is always go, go, go! Well, being 26 weeks pregnant and having three kids here, I wasn't feeling up to the crazy, busy life style and did not want to drag all three out of the house today. So, we decided to do a fun project at the house. We made glitter slime! It is so simple and so fast and the perfect quick activity to keep your kids busy for a few hours.

Here is what you will need:

- 1 Bottle of Elmer's Glitter Glue
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tsp. Borax

Mix 1 tsp. Borax with 1 cup of water, until Borax dissolves into water. 
In a different bowl have your sweet helper empty the bottle of glitter glue. 
Pour the mixture of Borax into the bowl of glitter glue, have your helper use their hands to mix and mush the mixture together. You will notice the slime will start to form right away, don't leave it in the water mixture too long because it will start to harden.
As your kids start to play with it, it may get too slimey, thats okay, just place it back in the Borax solution and it will form again.

The best storage option is a glass baby food container or a glass mason jar. Enjoy! It is a lot of fun, easy and quick clean up!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Special!

This Sunday I hit the 25 week mark for my pregnancy, more than half way but still so far from being done. I'm glad there is still more time for this sweet baby to cook because quite frankly, I need more time! With the holidays coming and our up coming move to Georgia, I need this sweet boy to stay put!

In order to celebrate this occasion, I decided to try one of Sarah Spealler's cookie recipes. All of her recipes look so delightful and of course they are paleo! This recipe for cookies is one Sarah swears by and let me tell you, not only did I love it so did my three year old! And of course my husband!!

Brace yourself.. these are a god send, these are amazing... Paleo Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies!!

Disclaimer: These are not super sweet, if you are looking for a super sweet treat for a holiday party, this isn't it! They are great and pretty darn clean and I sure don't mind feeding my sweet boy a few of them! 

For the dough -
2 cups almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup Spectrum all vegetable shortening
1/4 cup honey
1 TBSP vanilla extract
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

The bacon -
Line baking sheet with aluminum foil. Bake at 400 degrees for 14-16 minutes. Crispy bacon is better for these cookies. Let the bacon cool and cut into tiny pieces, which will be pretty easy if you let the bacon get crispy.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. In a food processor combine all the ingredients except the chocolate chips and bacon. Once everything is mixed together evenly, transfer into a large bowl fold in bacon pieces and chocolate chips. Scoop dough 1 TBSP at a time on to the baking sheets, bake for 6 to 9 minutes! Enjoy!

Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm backkkk with a great recipe for Paleo Coconut Chicken Nuggets!!

After much hesitation I have decided to start blogging again about my fitness adventure, I will also be sharing my recipes and probably a little bit of my experiences as a mother. Only this time, with a twist. When I started this blog originally it was post baby when I was trying rid my body of the extra baby weight and tone up, this time I'm coming in healthier and five months pregnant.

In my healthier eating journey I have found that sometimes it is difficult to find things to feed my three year old son. He clearly does not have the same goals as myself and my husband. He does not wish to maintain his figure and fuel his body with nutrient dense foods that also taste well. Therefore, tonight I decided to put a new spin on an old favorite: chicken nuggets.

This is a gluten free, ammonia free, hormone free recipe. I swear they taste better than any chicken nugget you have ever had, how can I promise you this? My three year old asked for seconds!

To get started you are going to need:

3 chicken breasts - you will wash and cut into bite size chunks.
2 free range eggs
1/2 cup almond flour/meal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried onion
1 tsp salt
dash of pepper

You will also want coconut oil to use on the stove in order to fry these babies up.

Wash and cut your chicken up into bite sized chunks - set this aside for later.
In a large bowl mix all of your dry ingredients except for chicken and egg, that you will set aside.

In a separate bowl beat your egg, once that it is done add in your chicken. Make sure your chicken is fully coated and then pour your chicken into your bowl of dry ingredients. Mix lightly to make sure that your chicken is coated well.

Now in a large sauce pan, heat on medium heat. Add your coconut oil, it won't take too much time to heat up, then add your chicken.
Continuously turn your chicken, it will start to brown, the coconut will be soaked up by the chicken so you may need to add more as you go, do not let the pan get dry. Be mindful of how much oil you are adding, you do not want your chicken to get soggy either - therefore you want to make sure you keep an eye on the oil/chicken.

Serve and enjoy!

My only regret is that I wish I took pictures. These look great, such a golden brown color. If anyone happens to make these and try them, send me the picture!!